Can you learn actual technical game development skills, like game design, or even programming from playing video games? Luckily, the answer is: of course! There are...
Author - AG Admin
Are you a solo developer working on an indie game in 2020? You may have seen our previous videos discussing top solo developed titles. In this video we are focusing on...
Are you thinking about working from home? Have you just started to work from home? As more and more game developers start home-based game studios or begin their...
Are you are working on a game, or have you been hired to do marketing for a game? Where do you even begin? What do you do? What’s in your marketing toolkit? What are...
Gamedev Secrets for Small Teams from Creature in the Well Devs (2020)
Are you part of a small development team? How about a 2-person development team? Well you’re in luck. Today’s video features game development tips from the devs of...
Are you making a game for Nintendo Switch? Which game engines do the best selling indie games on Nintendo Switch use? To answer this question, we first have to find out...
Mobile games represent the largest segment of the gaming market, and that space is tremendously competitive as a result. We’ve heard from our community that they want to...
Are you planning on launching your indie game on a crowdfunding platform like Indiegogo, Fig, or Kickstarter? One common question we get from the Ask …
Brigador Devs on Going Viral + Tips for New Game Developers [2020]
If you saw our video on how much video games cost to make, you might remember the segment we did on Brigador. If you haven’t seen it, basically it references...
Happy New Year 2020 Ask Gamedev fam! Do you want to see what’s been cooking in the Ask Gamedev Discord server? Today we’re excited to showcase 33 …